
Mondelez International, Inc.

Mondelez International, Inc. is a Humankind 100 company whose ranking is based on its Humankind Value, a proprietary metric that provides an estimate of the overall dollar amount a company creates for investors, consumers, employees, and society at large.

Mondelez International, Inc. is a food, beverage, and confectionery company. Originally Kraft Foods Inc., the company now owns an assortment of brands including Oreo, Cadbury, Milka, Sour Patch Kids, Philadelphia, Ritz, Wheat Thins, BelVita, Trident, and Halls. The company says it “empowers people to snack right.”

Ticker: MDLZ

Humankind Value: $29.1 B

Revenue: $30.5 B

Market Cap: $95.2 B

Positive and negative impacts of companies graphic.

(All values are in US Dollars, where M=Million, B=Billion, T=Trillion.)

Mondelez International creates positive Humankind Value on the whole, primarily due to Crop Production ($47.0 B), Economic Value ($18.3 B), and Medical Services ($5.7 B). The value associated with Crop Production is linked to an estimate of 900,000 equivalent years of life not lost to death or reduction in quality of life. Downsides for this company are associated with Food Loss (-$12.0 B) and Food Waste (-$7.3 B). Food Loss is attached to Mondelez International as a result of its direct business activities. Crop Production, Economic Value, Medical Services, and Food Waste are mostly or entirely a result of its supply-chain relationships. For this company, analysis without consideration of supply chain partners would yield a negative Humankind Value.

How the Humankind Value Methodology Drives the Rankings

We take a quantitative, data-driven approach to estimating the economic impact that companies have on investors, customers, employees, and society at large, rolling social responsibility into a single dollar value that we use to represent what a company is contributing to humanity. As far as we can tell, we're the first ones doing it this way.

How Methodology Drives the Rankings