
JPMorgan Chase & Company

JPMorgan Chase & Company is a Humankind 100 company whose ranking is based on its Humankind Value, a proprietary metric that provides an estimate of the overall dollar amount a company creates for investors, consumers, employees, and society at large.

JPMorgan Chase & Company is an American global financial services firm. The company is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small business, commercial banking, financial transactions processing, and asset management. JPMorgan Chase & Company is the name of the holding company, and the firm serves its customers and clients under its Chase and JPMorgan brands.

Ticker: JPM

Humankind Value: $69.4 B

Revenue: $150.7 B

Market Cap: $406.7 B

Positive and negative impacts of companies graphic.

(All values are in US Dollars, where M=Million, B=Billion, T=Trillion.)

JPMorgan Chase & Company is responsible for positive Humankind Value. Notable sources of positive value are Economic Value ($57.0 B), Medical Services ($12.2 B), and Medical Devices ($7.3 B). This company can improve its Humankind Value by reducing its links to Authoritarianism (-$4.7 B) and Food Waste (-$3.4 B). Economic Value is attached to this company as a result of its direct business activities. Medical Services, Medical Devices, Authoritarianism, and Food Waste are mostly or entirely a result of supply-chain relationships.

How the Humankind Value Methodology Drives the Rankings

We take a quantitative, data-driven approach to estimating the economic impact that companies have on investors, customers, employees, and society at large, rolling social responsibility into a single dollar value that we use to represent what a company is contributing to humanity. As far as we can tell, we're the first ones doing it this way.

How Methodology Drives the Rankings